This is what hangs directly above and behind my computer. And so I stare at it quite often since I spend an unhealthy amount of my time at my computer, sitting on my awkwardly almost-rockingchair-chair. You can see postcards and photos, a quote from Borges, a list of places I want to go, a receipt entitling me to 6.99 (!!!!) off of my next purchase at a children's book store (you're jealous right?) and stamps, so that I never have an excuse to not write someone a letter telling them that I love them, or that I miss them, or that I think they're pretty fucking cool.
Oh, I also kept my voting stubs from when I voted for the first time in a presidential election and Mr. Obama himself was elected, even though my mom told me I didn't need them anymore. I totally need them! They're like... historic! For me anyway.
In other news, today I wore my ugly-sleeping-bags-for-my-feet boots and they kept me super duper warm when I had to trek to the ends of the Earth (aka Chelsea). I espied them on sale a few years ago, because it was May and everyone else was like, "I love spring and wearing sundresses and open-toed shoes and laying in the grass and having picnics," and I was like, "This is a very delayed gratification purchase, but I think one day I will be happy to have these boots." And today I was. Even though they're kinda ugly. I think that is an aesthetic I am into these days: kinda ugly. Let's see where it takes me.
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