Also: I had grand plans to take pictures of the glorious things that I wear every day and share them. However I have discovered that:
1) I am too embarassed to ask anyone to take pictures of me all the time.
2) I have no tripod/good place to rest my camera on top of while I run and get in place before the self-timer goes off.
3) My camera is almost as old as my computer, and misbehaves even worse.
4) I might wear the same thing all the time, and so documenting it could be boring.
So until I procure a new camera, or get a little more ballsy, we will just have to suffice with me telling you what I am wearing today. So today I wore Target black skinny jeans with zippers on the ankles, my extra big green and white and pink plaid shirt, my LL Bean Maine Hunting boots, black Banana Republic wrap sweater. Which is an outfit I wore at least four times while I was at home, so yeah, see #4 above.
And so for right now, I will leave you with this picture of the ceiling at the New York Public Library on Bryant Park, because it was super cold, cloudy and snowy all day today and I miss the Colorado Sky!
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