i like you a lot more than i ever would suspect of myself. i think i like you because you did what anyone would do when kanye jumps on the stage, just take a step back and wait for his wonderfully kanye-centric antics to cease (because who are we kidding? i love you kanye, but that was about YOU more than it was about beyonce. does anyone even remember that her video was the whole point of getting up on that stage? nope, and therefore, your message was lost in your celebrity), but i also like that you frequently wear your hair curly, and you favor "sparkly" as the only way to ever describe what you are wearing. even here in this feature in the New York Times Style Magazine where you get to wear crystal-curtains prada, kickin' chanel, nice pigtails, omg burberry jacket, another killer givency wedge, and really pull it off. it's in the spirit of your style mantra, but it also feels like you are just playing dress-up. i like that. i think that is in the true spirit of fashion - let's play dress up. so yup yup, just wanted to let you know, keep doin' what you're doin'.
p.s. if you got to keep anything from this editorial, and you want to pass it on to me, i would be more than happy to make room for it in my closet.

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