I'm clearly headed towards insanity one way or another so I think I should get a head start with a good old fashioned Crazy-Lady Hat. I can add the cats and glasses and fur coat later.
It was hard to choose which of all the crazies to pick out, but I think this one won (hey! words that are the same sounding, but different meaning next to each other) me over in the end with its sheer size and those crazy jutting angles, which I think I might like because they subconsciously remind me of home.
So... you're welcome. I know you've been looking for a kooky present to buy me for no good reason. One that has to be shipped from England and is probably packaged really awesome. And I've just done the hard part for you. Now you just have to buy it for me. Yup, you. I'll act surprised. I promise.

pictures and Hat too, all from Tour De Force
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