
Tim Riggins Inspired Poetry

Struggling to say anything that these poems don't already say by their mere existence. Incidentally Nico Alvarado teaches middle school in Colorado. Let's be friends?

Tim Riggins Invents a New Number
Nico Alvarado
I love you so much

I want to bury my fist in your chest.


Tim Riggins Speaks of Waterfalls
Nico Alvarado
You want to know what it was like?
It was like my whole life had a fever.
Whole acres of me were on fire.
The sun talked dirty in my ear all night.
I couldn’t drive past a wheatfield without doing it violence.
I couldn’t even look at a bridge.
I used to go out in the brush sometimes,
So far out there no one could hear me,
And just burn.
I felt all right then.
I couldn’t hurt anyone else.
I was just a pillar of fire.
It wasn’t the burning so much as the loneliness.
It wasn’t the loneliness so much as the fear of being alone. 
Christ look at you pouring from the rocks.
You’re so cold you’re boiling over.
You’ve got stars in your hair.
I don’t want to be around you.
I don’t want to drink you in.
I want to walk into the heart of you
And never walk back out.

(via Gulf Coast)

Ann Friedman Knows Ladies Don't Like to Wear a Bra Any Longer Than They Have To

I can't really say enough good things about Ann Friedman, her writing, her newsletter,  her Tumblr and her pie charts. This one is particularly 100% accurate. 


Here's to another stupid day. At least it's a stupid Friday.

I like to think that music posts are not as self-serving as other posts where I wax unpoetically about things I like. Here, I am also helping you out by sharing some sweet tunes for your ears. But maybe you don't think they're sweet. That's your problem, I guess... not mine. Whatever. Jia Tolentino is more or less my favorite human being because she shares too much good, new music. So follow her or follow me. My posts are her posts. Again, whatever. Here are some different jams for some different feelings.

Listen to this one if you want to feel good, like YEAH! It IS Friday!:

Listen to this one if you want to feel confused: like YEAH, this song is so good, but it's making me feel bad about my past, present and future options:

Listen to this one if you just want to wallow in your sadness and it being Friday is not even helping:

(via The Hairpin)


apparently fashion week still happens

I mean, of course fashion week still happens. I just don't care about it the same way, or even at all perhaps. For shits, I clicked on the email blast I still get daily from style.com during Spring and Fall Fashion week, and then, for giggles, I said, "I'll see what Rachel Comey is up to this season!" I am glad that I did because she made this and frankly, I'm done with fashion (week) because this is the perfect outfit. Nothing could be better. Can I haves it, pleeeez?

(image via style.com)


Obsessive (and Introspective) Art: Simon Evans

Everything I Have, 2008

Found this posted on the Radiolab blog recently and I flashed back to seeing the original, in person, in Chelsea sometime when I was in college... probably in 2008. It must have been at James Cohan Gallery, which the internet tells me represents Evans in New York.

Home Country, 2008-9

I don't remember if Evans had other pieces hanging at the time, which probably means he didn't because upon looking at all his work, it is CRAZY up my alley. I remember LOVING Everything I Own, perhaps partly because I was feeling material-possessions-poor at time, having had to throw away three boxes of clothes, bags and shoes that had gone moldy in a friend's basement while I was abroad in Argentina.

Dear Diary, 2008

But it was those last two years of college that I really figured out exactly what was up my alley, and then proceeded to try and make art like that and found out that I might not be obsessive enough, introspective enough, or some combination of the two. While there are definitely other types of art that I am drawn to, the following is list of characteristics of art that I will almost 100% guaranteed love:
  • a catalogue of things
  • map-based (real, imaginary, edited, etc.)
  • introspective text
  • patterns based on an external system of composition
  • obsessive repetition
  • diagrams
Maybe Simon Evans was the beginning of this for me.

One Hundred Mix CDs for New York, 2008

(via Radiolab, images via James Cohan Gallery)